Poetry Workshop „Writing Through It: Poetry as Recollection, Expression and Renewal“ (Schwa) 

24. 1. 2024, 2 PM-3:30 PM, online

Schwa would like to offer you a creative outlet in these difficult times and invite you all to dr. Stephan Delbos’s workshop titled „Writing Through It: Poetry as Recollection, Expression and Renewal.“

The workshop will deal with using poetry as a therapeutic way of processing trauma. The workshop will focus on learning from the ways that poets have dealt with trauma in the past, as well as building a toolbox of techniques to use the writing of poetry as a way of sublimating difficult experiences into art.

The event will take place online, on January 24th, from 2pm to 3:30pm.

To take part, please fill out the form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScy6A63tHAhP8QnIS5Fidg1GK_PrUofTcFQN1b7UQfX3keC9g/viewform.

The link to the online meeting will be sent out by email before the event to all participants who fill out the form, along with materials for the workshop.

Keeping you in our thoughts and hope to see you there!
Přístupnost: celofakultní (online)